
Courseware is educational material intended as tools for instructors, usually purposed for use with a computer. Courseware can be used in any knowledge area. It is commonly used for delivering education about computer application but has recently been adapted to server the needs of language learning.

The LearnIt2teach and edulinc courseware servers include:

  • Materials for instructor-led (blended) classes
  • Material for self-directed computer-based training (Stages 2, 3, 4)
  • Web sites that offer interactive tutorials (SCORM learning object)
  • Videos for use individually or as part of teacher training

LINC courseware

Serving LINC 1 to LINC 7, this server hosts courses (virtual classrooms) for IRCC funded settlement language training classes across Canada. The server also hosts professional development for TESL professionals for all the Stages of the LearnIT2teach training. Go to the server.

Instructor courseware

There are five defined stages of development for LINC instructors.  All of these courses with their support and model courses can be found at this server. TEST Your Computer or Your Lab Teachers can check to see if their computer or the lab they are using will support the training and courseware by visiting this …