The Avenue – LearnIT2teach Project is reaching out to TESL professionals in the settlement language training sector for guidance: We invite you to join a conversation on sector learning technology standards. Please take a few minutes to fill out this online survey to help guide our work:
Some deeper background to put this initiative in context:
Information Technology (IT) is ubiquitous in 21st Century life. One can argue we’re at the point where the term educational ‘technology’ is redundant. Just as books, notebooks, blackboards and chalk were normal features of education for many decades, IT is now an indispensable part of the toolbox for teachers and learners. The variety and complexity of the technology and the fact that it constantly changes continue to present teachers and students with significant challenges.
The Avenue – LearnIT2teach Project analyzed existing educational technology standards and developed a strategy for creating homegrown standards for the Canadian settlement language training (SLT) sector. The project team took a deep dive on two standards frameworks: The International Society for Technology in Education (, and TESOL Learning Standards for Educators.
The project decided that our own made-for-Canada standards are a necessity if the standards are to reflect the unique needs of newcomers and sector professionals. An expert team of researchers and writers began work in February 2023. The research – writing team includes three of the authors of the TESOL standards plus strong representation from SLT professionals. The development process is a dialogue with front line professionals in the sector.